INFORMATION. PREPARATION. DETERMINATION. Discover your education options! Not every parent and student can pay celebrity "advisors" to obtain entrance into a dream school.

Instead, at a price that's less than one school application fee, you can enroll here and learn how to get through the application process yourself!

Take this course and take control of your search!

Thank you, thank you, you! Without your help, my daughter would not have found a college that she loves.”

- Trish C.

Trish Grateful Customer

Why Take the "Talking College Search" Course? Here's Why.

You know how it seems the guidance counselor is too busy to handhold us through the college admissions process? High schoolers and their loving families can feel more confident about the process by taking the "Talking College Search" course.


More Reviews!

“You should have thought about becoming a school counselor.”

- Amina F.

“You know how you helped us? You were there when the guidance counselor thought our child wasn't worth the time.”

- Winnie C.

“You should put a course together. Don't waste that knowledge.”

- Francis D.

“Finally! It's about time that you launched a course! When's the book? That HAS to be next!

- Clarke P.

“I always looked forward to seeing your Facebook posts; they helped me with my son's college search. Congrats on your web course where it's all together and organized.”

- Mike B.

“The course videos are informative and entertaining. It really put this whole confusing college mess in perspective. Thanks!”

- Jay K.

“Have you written your book to go with this yet? You know I'll buy it!”

- Lee R.

“Glad you're not keeping all that info just among friends and relatives. There's a lot of value in this course. Cheaper than seeing a private counselor for an hour and we get more out of your course. It's totally worth it.”

- Don M.

Instructor speaking before 500 people

Hi, I’m Cee…

…an education advocate, a college graduate, Ivy League master’s degree holder, alumna of one of the nation's elite high schools and a mom of twins — each with very different interests and career goals who also attended a top high school and got into great colleges.

Yes, that's me standing in front, at one of many speaking appearances. I've spoken to thousands of parents and students about education opportunities. I have also testified at marathon state and city legislation sessions to push for fair access to quality education for all students.

Now entering my third decade of consulting friends and friends of friends through tricky admissions processes, I have a reputation of being the "go-to sister-mom" for admissions advice. My advice is based on experience, observations and deep research, and parents valued my advice as much as the counselors — oftentimes more. I conveyed that I valued their student's uniqueness and individual potential and they felt I respected them more than their regular counselors.

And here, on behalf of and for all The Good Apples out there, I can share with you what I’ve learned. Disclaimer: if you have a special situation, always seek one-on-one professional advice (not necessarily the school guidance counselor) and use what you learn here in this course to form questions for your meeting.